Fans of FX’s acclaimed series The Old Man are eagerly awaiting news on the show’s future. This gripping action-drama follows ...
Jeff Bridges struggled with his blood cancer diagnosis while shooting the CIA thriller "The Old Man" before choosing to live ...
Jon K. Miller was identified as a suspect in the murder of Mary K. Schlais, who was found dead on Feb. 15, 1974, at an ...
Oklahoma City police have released bodycam footage of an October 17 incident in which an officer tackled a 70-year-old man ...
Akron Police decided to charge a 39-year-old man in an Akron road rage incident despite self-defense claims due to additional ...
Oklahoma City police have released video footage of an officer taking down a 71-year-old man, who remains hospitalized nearly two weeks after the incident.
A 24-year-old Illinois man has been arrested after allegedly causing a disturbance in a voting line before punching an election judge in the face, police said.