A key highlight of the event will be the announcement of the winners of the 2024 Youth Eyes on the Silk Roads photo contest. The event will showcase the 60 best photos from this year’s competition, ...
Cities grew up along the Silk Roads as essential hubs of trade and exchange, here merchants and travellers came to stop and rest their animals and begin the process of trading their goods. From Xi’an ...
This platform has been developed and maintained with the support of: ...
Throughout history, thousands of languages have been spoken along the lengths of the Silk Roads, both land and maritime. These languages have been one of the major means of transmission of knowledge, ...
بالاحتفال باليوم العالمي للفلسفة سنويّاً، والذي يصادف الخميس الثالث من شهر تشرين الثاني/ نوفمبر، تظهر اليونسكو القيمة الدائمة للفلسفة في ...
What evidence and/or data do you have that supports the identified problem? You not only need a good problem definition, but it is also equally important to have solid evidence and/or data to prove ...
Alexander, known as ‘the Great’ or ‘the Macedonian’, advanced his armies into Central Asia in the fourth century BC. Although originally at war with the Achaemenid monarch, Darius III Codomannus, his ...
The Silk Roads were a driving force behind significant cultural exchange across many different parts of the world. Throughout the long history of these routes, a blending of civilizations and people ...
The Tangut Collection of the IOM RAS originated from the dead city called Khara-Khoto by the Mongols, Heishuicheng by the Chinese and Ejina by the Tanguts themselves. The ruins of Khara-Khoto are ...
In the seventh century, three new and important political powers came to dominate Central Asia. To the east, the Chinese Tang dynasty emerged and would remain powerful until the tenth century; in ...
The ethnic Tibetan, Mongolian and Tu communities in western and northern China share the story of the ancient hero King Gesar, sent to heaven to vanquish monsters, depose the powerful, and aid the ...