"Insight and possibilities are unlocked through the innovational distribution from this leading institution", said Sondre ...
The course presents the framework and analytical methods economists use to study the health economy and address key policy issues. The aim is to enable you to analyze typical resource allocation ...
The course studies legal rules on data protection — i.e., a set of norms that specifically govern the processing of data relating to persons (personal data) in order to protect, at least partly, the ...
We experience the most significant moments of our lives in small groups and subcultures: families, sports teams, romantic partners, working groups, friendship groups, musical subcultures, sports ...
The international legal protection of human rights has mainly developed since the end of World War II as a fundamental part of the world order aimed at securing peace and stability, the ...
Then course gives an introduction to continuum mechanics and the mathematical description of forces, stresses and deformations in viscous fluids and elastic materials. The course focuses on the stress ...
This course provides an introduction to modern observational methods used in astronomy. Ground and space-based telescopes and detectors, imaging techniques and imaging, as well as spectroscopy, will ...
Environmental Geology covers the interactions between geology and human activities and gives an overview of environmental problems and challenges in geosciences. It deals with water- and ...
The course covers various methods within artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), and their applications. Examples include algorithms for search, optimization and classification, which ...
The course focuses on the specific managerial tasks and challenges of the digital economy. It deals in particular with the management of digital resources, such as data, algorithms and ecosystems, ...
In this course you will learn about the design of advanced digital systems. This includes programmable logic circuits, a hardware design language and system-on-chip design (processor, memory and logic ...
The course deals with digital images and their properties, color models and perception, representation methods for digital images, histogram transformations and 2-dimensional digital convolution and ...