Researchers from Osaka University fabricate copolymer films that interact differently with currents with opposite ...
The Company is engaged in manufacturing and distributing different chemical substances and products, which includes chlorochemical materials, ethylene dichloride (EDC), vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) ...
Despite their identical composition, molecules that are mirror images can interact differently with light and electrical ...
A research team developed a microbial strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyester using systems metabolic engineering.
Researchers have manipulated a metabolic pathway in E.coli to create a strain that can produce an aromatic polyester.
In summary, these BLI data demonstrate that B. subtilis MinD is capable of binding membrane in both monomeric and dimeric form, while the presence of ATP in the binding pocket appears to affect both ...
The Company operates through three business segments. The Materials segment provides styrene monomer, acrylonitrile, polyethylene, automotive-related fibers, electronic materials, mixed signal large ...
KAIST research team developed a microbial strain that efficiently produces aromatic polyester using systems metabolic ...
Get article recommendations from ACS based on references in your Mendeley library. Pair your accounts. Export articles to Mendeley Get article recommendations from ACS based on references in your ...
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and ...
The control of self-assembly by means of chemical reaction networks is based on the activation of a monomer prone to self-assembly, which is then deactivated. In this way, the self-assembled structure ...