runner6: 换位想想,如果咱们在日本上学的小学生,被日本人刺杀,国内会是什么样的反应? 感觉很多人在乎的是立场,是国籍,是历史,是仇恨,根本没人在乎这个生命。 这就是与人类文明的距离吧。
A 10-year-old Japanese boy was stabbed on his way to school in Shenzhen on Wednesday, September 18. He died the following day. The attack occurred on the anniversary of the 1931 Mukden Incident, which ...
The Guangdong Provincial High Court denied the appeals of imprisoned human rights defenders Wang Jianbing and Huang Xueqin in a secretive trial held last week, without notifying their attorneys. The ...
大家应该看过“鸡蛋bot”那篇文章(已经删了),里面写到了“持刀伤人的44岁男子钟某”近年来持股公司出现问题,股权也被冻结了。根据裁判文书网等官方消息,钟某还多次因借贷、信用卡等纠纷,被法院列入了“失信被执行人名单。” ...
CDT is a non-profit media site, and we need your support. Your contribution will help us provide more translations, breaking ...
The first sentencing under Hong Kong’s new Article 23 national security law (officially called the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance) occurred this week, as a man was sentenced to 14 months ...